Welcome to the Department of Animal Physiology
We welcome all students and guests on our homepage and hope that you enjoy the information.
The workgroups investigate various topics ralated to the physiology of invertebrates. Please visit our Research section online for more information - or simply visit us in Rostock if you are interested in our research!
Farewell BBQ of the lab for Thomas in June 2021... after a long Covid-19 period without social events.
Our lab in June 2021. From left to right: Taufia Hussain (Ph.D. student), Fritz Lehmann (chair), Bärbel Redlich-Witt (technician), Andrea Mellin (secretary of the institute), Susanne Thümecke (post-doc), Thomas Engels (post-doc), Maren Bagrowski (secretary of the department of animal physiology), Ralf Bastrop (research associate), Sophie Berger (MS student), Allina Range (BS student), and Sarah Oeftger (BS student).