Postdoc in Neurobiology on "Visual decision making" in flying Drosophila
Basic Information
2 year post-doctoral fellow position (extension possible), starting NOW (2023)
The working group of Fritz Lehmann at the University of Rostock focuses on an integrative approach to investigate the neuronal, biomechanical, and aerodynamical bases of insect flight behaviours. We use genetic and neuronal tools, behavioural essays, robotics devices and several imaging methods to dissect the flight cascade in Drosophila ranging from sensory input to flow control by wing flapping.
The group seeks a postdoctoral fellow with strong interests in the Neuroethology of flying insects.
The aim of the project is to understand the neural basis of control of visual attention and decision making in flying fruit flies. The essays include flight experiments at dynamically changing visual environments and optogenetics on decision making neurons. The project aims to dissect the neural command line from brain to locomotor centres of the flight apparatus in Drosophila and offers a wide variety of methods and approaches
The position is offered by the Department of Animal Physiology at the University of Rostock, Germany. The department resides in a modern, state-of-the-art building together with several biological work groups and close to the Departments of Engineering and Electrical Sciences. Rostock is a lovely, mid-sized town located near the Baltic Sea. It features moderate ambient temperature and offers many opportunities for recreation including swimming, sailing, and hiking.
Applications should submit the following documents:
- a detailed Curriculum Vitae
- a cover letter
- a list of publications
- an essay describing your motivation, past research experience and future interests
- and names and addresses of at least two referees.
Equal opportunity is an essential part of our human resources policy. In case of equal qualification, applications from severely disabled people or equivalent are explicitly welcome. The University of Rostock seeks to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching, and particularly encourages female applicants to apply for this position. Applications from foreign scientist and people with migration background are appreciated. Please note that application and travel costs are not reimbursed by the Federal State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
Please send these documents with the identifier as a single PDF-file to tierphysiologieuni-rostockde. There is no deadline for applications.
For inquiries and further information please visit out webpage under or contact Prof. Fritz-Olaf Lehmann fritz.lehmannuni-rostockde