People and contacts

Prof. Dr. Fritz-Olaf Lehmann | Chair of Department | Room 129 | +49 381 498 6300 | fritz.lehmannuni-rostockde
Maren Bagrowski | Secretary | Room 130 | +49 381 498 6301 | maren.bagrowskiuni-rostockde
Dr. Tomer Urca | Research Associate | Room 101 | +49 381 498 6304 | tomer.urcauni-rostockde
Dr. Jing Wang | Research Associate | Room 121 | +49 381 498 6306 | jing.wanguni-rostockde
PD Dr. Tom Weihmann | Research Associate | Room 102 | +49 381 498 6303 | tom.weihmannuni-rostockde
M.Sc. Albert Glas | Ph.D. student | Room K52 | +49 381 498 6311 | albert.glasuni-rostockde
M.Sc. Taufia Hussain | Ph.D. student | Room 121 | +49 381 498 6306 | taufia.hussainuni-rostockde
M.Sc. Sarah Oeftger | Ph.D. student | Room 121 | +49 381 498 6306 | sarah.oeftgeruni-rostockde
M.Sc. Susanne Ehms | Technician | Room 135 | +49 381 498 6319 | susanne.ehmsuni-rostockde
M.Sc. Franziskus Martin | Technician | Room 135 | +49 381 498 6319 | franziskus.martinuni-rostockde 
Dipl.-Ing. Bärbel Redlich-Witt | Technician | Room 135 +49 381 498 6319 | baerbel.redlich-wittuni-rostockde
Birgit Wobith | Technician | Room 135 | +49 381 498 6319 | birgit.wobithuni-rostockde